It’s hot today, isn’t it?

Spring is finally here and it has already become very hot. It usually gets warmer gradually but it’s seems we have had a sudden increase this year. 

What do you like to do in spring? Winter in the UK is quite long and pretty cold. Most people are always looking forward to spring and when it finally comes, people enjoy several activities.

Park Picnics

People like to go out to the park to smell the fresh plants. Similar to Japan’s Hanami events, people prepare a few light items such as sandwiches, tea and snacks. Then at the park, we put down a sheet and enjoy having a good time with our friends.

Outdoor Seating at Pubs

Eating and drinking outside is a popular pastime in the UK and when spring comes, many pubs and restaurants prepare some spaces for this. Drinking beer whilst chatting with friends in warm weather is one of my favorite things to do!

How about you? What do you like to do in spring?

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